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for cooking [1]click to hear

Appliances that bring raw food into contact with a heat source in order to cook them.
for cooking [1] microwave oven window sensor probe probe receptacle control panel handle clock timer door latch

microwave oven click to hear

Appliance that generates high-frequency waves to quickly heat or cook food.

window click to hear

Thick window for looking inside the oven.

sensor probe click to hear

Instrument that is inserted into food and used to check internal temperature and monitor cooking.

probe receptacle click to hear

Place where the sensor probe’s plug is connected.

control panel click to hear

Panel containing the programming keys.

handle click to hear

Part used to open or close the microwave oven door.

clock timer click to hear

Displays either real time or the programmed cooking time.

door click to hear

Movable part that closes the microwave oven.

latch click to hear

Device that opens the door when pushed.