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structure of a missile [2]click to hear

structure of a missile [2] rudder fin rocket motor fixed winglet actuator infrared homing head proximity fuse gyroscope warhead pilot battery

rudder click to hear

Automated device that guides the missile during flight.

fin click to hear

Ailerons that stabilize the missile during flight.

rocket motor click to hear

Engine that provides the thrust to propel the missile.

fixed winglet click to hear

Ailerons that improve stability during flight.

actuator click to hear

Device that controls the rudders.

infrared homing head click to hear

Instrument that homes in on the heat emitted by the target and automatically guides the missile toward it.

proximity fuse click to hear

Fuse that causes the warhead to explode when required.

gyroscope click to hear

Device whose axis of rotation is constant so that it can guide the weapon.

warhead click to hear

Explosive contained in the missile that is usually made up of gunpowder.

pilot click to hear

Component that guides the missile without human intervention.

battery click to hear

Device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy.