magnetic compass
Instrument for finding directions; it has a graduated compass card and a magnetic needle that points toward magnetic north.
base plate 
Transparent surface that supports the compass card and has markings and scales.
Line marked on the base plate that is placed on top of a topographic map; it shows the direction of the place toward which the person wishes to travel.
Graduated line used to judge the distance to be traveled on a topographic map, in conjunction with the map’s scale.
Point around which the magnetic needle moves.
magnetic needle 
Pointer with a red magnetized part that points to Earth’s magnetic north pole.
sighting line 
Line running parallel to the baselines; it is used to indicate the direction of travel.
Device used to select a landmark in the direction a person chooses to walk.
graduated dial 
Each of the equal intervals marked on the dial that indicate the angle in degrees of the points on the compass card.
compass card 
Rotating device that is graduated in degrees and marked with the four cardinal points; it is used to indicate the direction of travel with respect to true north.
compass meridian line 
Line that, when matched with the meridian line on a map, can be used to determine the direction of travel in degrees.
Compass card marks where the needle’s red dot comes to rest when the compass is aligned with magnetic north.
Compartment that contains the mirror and protects the compass card when it is folded over the base plate.
sighting mirror 
Polished glass surface that reflects the image of the compass card and confirms the direction of travel.