Surface that measures 46 ft x 52 ft and is used for practicing judo; it is made up of smaller mat squares (tatamis).
Board that displays various data about the contest taking place (such as points and penalties); there are two scoreboards, one manual and one electronic, in each contest area.
medical team 
Physicians tend to the judokas in the event of injury; their presence is mandatory and they may end a bout in the event of serious injury.
One of the two officials who assist the referee; they check especially that the holds are allowable and take place within the bounds of the contest area.
scorers and timekeepers 
The scorers show the results on the scoreboards and the timekeepers monitor the time during the bout.
safety area 
Surface that is 10 ft wide and surrounds the danger area; it provides safety if the contestant if thrown out of the contest area.
contest area 
Area on which the bout takes place; it includes the danger area, measures 26 x 33 ft and has lines to indicate the positions of the judokas at the start and end of the bout.
Official who enforces the rules and directs the bout on the mat; this individual is assisted by the two judges.
One of two athletes (here, judokas) who confront each other in a bout; contestants are classified into weight categories.
danger area 
Red band that is 3.2 ft wide; it delimits and is part of the contest area.