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aikidoclick to hear

Defensive sport of Japanese origin that consists of neutralizing an armed or unarmed opponent by means of dodging, throwing and holding, using bare hands.
aikido bokken aikidoka hakama obi aikidogi jo

bokken click to hear

Wooden saber about 3.2  ft long that is used for training; the jo and the bokken help develop the concepts of distance and position.

aikidoka click to hear

Athlete who practices aikido; it requires good coordination, well-developed reflexes, suppleness and keen concentration.

hakama click to hear

Long skirt for hiding foot movement.

obi click to hear

Long wide belt that is tied around the waist to close the jacket; its color indicates the aikidoka’s level.

aikidogi click to hear

Clothing worn for practicing aikido; for beginners, it consists of a white jacket made of sturdy cloth and white pants.

jo click to hear

Wooden stick about 4.2 ft long; it is used mainly for training.