mathematics [1]
The science that uses deductive reasoning to study the properties of abstract entities such as numbers, space and functions and the relations between them.
is greater than 
Sign denoting that the value on the left is of greater magnitude than the number that follows.
is greater than or equal to 
Sign denoting that the result of an operation is equal to or of greater magnitude than the number that follows.
is less than 
Sign denoting that the value on the left is of smaller magnitude than the number that follows.
is less than or equal to 
Sign denoting that the result of an operation is equal to or of smaller magnitude than the number that follows.
plus or minus 
Sign denoting that the positive and negative values of the number that follows bracket a range of values.
is identical with 
Binary sign denoting that the result of the operation noted on the left has the same value as the operation noted on the right.
is not identical with 
Binary sign denoting that the result of the operation noted on the left does not have the same value as the operation noted on the right.
Sign denoting the result of an operation.
is not equal to 
Sign denoting that the result of an operation is not close to the same value as the one on the right.
is approximately equal to 
Sign denoting that the result of an operation is close to the same value as the one on the right.
is equivalent to 
Sign denoting that the value on the left is the same magnitude as the one on the right.
divided by 
Sign denoting a number (dividend) is to be divided by another (divisor); the result is a quotient.
multiplied by 
Sign denoting that a number is to be multiplied by another; the result is a product.
Sign denoting that a number is to be subtracted from another; the result is a difference.
Sign denoting that a number is to be added to another; the result is a sum.