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poles [2]click to hear

Rods of various shapes and materials from which a curtain hangs.
poles [2] curtain track clip ring carrier track bridge ceiling bracket roller hook end stop wall bracket

curtain track click to hear

Rectangular metal rod equipped with a track; the gliders that support the curtain move along it.

clip click to hear

Implement composed of two articulated prongs that grip the curtain in order to hang it.

ring click to hear

Circular piece to take the hook supporting the curtains.

carrier click to hear

Part composed of a roller for moving the curtain along the track as well as a hooking device supporting the curtain.

track click to hear

Grooved metal rail along which the rollers move.

bridge click to hear

Metal part joining two track sections.

ceiling bracket click to hear

roller click to hear

Small metal wheel pulling the curtain along the track.

hook click to hear

Metal part to which the curtain heading is attached.

end stop click to hear

Metal part serving as a stopper at the ends of the track.

wall bracket click to hear