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fluorescent tube [2]click to hear

Tube in which the electric current produces ultraviolet radiation converted into visible light by a layer of a fluorescent substance.
fluorescent tube [2] pin bulb pin base pinch exhaust tube lead-in wire gas mercury electrode phosphorescent coating

pin click to hear

Cylindrical metal part that establishes electric contact when inserted into the corresponding outlet.

bulb click to hear

Long glass cylinder enclosing the components of this type of tube and diffusing light.

pin base click to hear

End of the tube equipped with two pins that, when inserted into the socket, connect the tube with the electric circuit.

pinch click to hear

Part in which the lead-in wires are attached.

exhaust tube click to hear

Glass tube used to empty the air from the bulb and then to fill it with inert gas before it is sealed.

lead-in wire click to hear

Electric conductor carrying the current to the filament.

gas click to hear

The tube is filled with an inert gas under low pressure, with mercury added.

mercury click to hear

A small amount of vaporized mercury, added to the gas, emits ultraviolet radiation during the electric discharge.

electrode click to hear

A device placed at each end of the tube; an electric discharge arcs between the two of them.

phosphorescent coating click to hear

The tube’s internal coating; it is composed of phosphate particles that convert ultraviolet rays into visible light.