road map
Map that uses lines to indicate a network of roads; it often features information for tourists.
Large thoroughfare with separate one-way lanes and no crossing streets; reserved for high-speed traffic.
service area
Area built alongside a highway providing services such as a gas station, restaurant, lodging and tourist information.
belt highway
Branch of a highway built around an urban center to facilitate inbound and outbound access and to absorb through traffic.
secondary road
Road connecting two regional urban centers of lesser importance or providing access to a highway.
point of interest
A unique or attractive feature.
scenic route
Road offering particularly scenic landscapes for travelers.
national park
Zone that the government designates with a view to protecting its natural resources; access is granted under certain conditions.
Location that contains all the technical and commercial facilities needed to support air traffic.
route number
Communications route connecting two distant geographic points, usually urban centers.
route number
rest area
An area along a highway providing a place to rest and usually having restrooms.