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semicircular archclick to hear

Arch in the form of a semicircle.
semicircular arch pier intrados extrados impost springer voussoir spandrel keystone

pier click to hear

Masonry upright that supports the arch.

intrados click to hear

Interior surface of the arch.

extrados click to hear

Exterior surface of the arch.

impost click to hear

Slightly projecting stone that surmounts the pier and supports the springer and the voussoirs.

springer click to hear

Stone that constitutes the arch’s first voussoir and is placed on top of the pier.

voussoir click to hear

Each of the stone wedges that make up the arch.

spandrel click to hear

Wall surface bordered by the curve of the arch, the start of another wall and the horizontal part above it.

keystone click to hear

Wedge-shaped stone in the center of an arch whose function is to balance the network of voussoirs.