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parameciumclick to hear

Ovoid-shaped one-cell organism generally found in freshwater and covered with cilia, which allow it to move about and to feed, mainly on bacteria.
paramecium cilium plasma membrane peristome cytostome cytopharynx forming food vacuole cytoproct contractile vacuole cytoplasm macronucleus micronucleus food vacuole

cilium click to hear

Filament-like extension of the cytoplasmic membrane allowing the cell and certain substances on its surface to move about.

plasma membrane click to hear

The cell’s flexible outer casing; it separates the cell from the surrounding environment and works as a filter to control the entry and exit of certain substances.

peristome click to hear

Depression lined with cilia, which undulate to direct food particles toward the cytostome.

cytostome click to hear

Opening corresponding to the mouth and allowing ingestion of food and rejection of undesirable elements.

cytopharynx click to hear

Fold of the plasma membrane; food particles originating in the cytostome are directed toward it.

forming food vacuole click to hear

The paramecium continually produces food vacuoles out of cytoplasmic membrane. Each food vacuole traps food particles accumulated in the bottom of the cytopharynx.

cytoproct click to hear

Orifice corresponding to the anus; the food vacuole opens into it, allowing waste to be eliminated.

contractile vacuole click to hear

Spheroid cavity acting as a pump to evacuate excess water and waste from the cell.

cytoplasm click to hear

Clear gelatinous substance surrounding the various cellular structures.

macronucleus click to hear

Large nucleus controlling cellular activities.

micronucleus click to hear

Small nucleus ensuring cell reproduction.

food vacuole click to hear

Spheroid cavity in which food particles from the cytopharynx are digested.