origin and evolution of species [3]
Since its formation some 4.6 billion years ago, the Earth has witnessed the genesis of continents and oceans and the appearance of animals and vegetation.
Geological period marked by the predominance of reptiles and amphibians. The continental mass now formed into a great protocontinent: Pangea.
First aquatic reptile with long sharp teeth and a powerful tail allowing it to propel itself in shallow water.
Carnivorous reptile fossil with dorsal spines connected by a membrane to regulate its internal temperature; dominant in the Permian period.
Geological period during which the dinosaurs ruled the world. The Atlantic Ocean was formed at this time.
Swift carnivorous marine reptile; it had certain dolphin characteristics and reached 33 feet in length. It disappeared during the Cretaceous period.
Animal fossil capable of flight; it had certain characteristics of a reptile (claws, teeth, long bony tail) and others of a bird (wings, feathers).
One of the largest dinosaurs of the Jurassic period. This long-necked herbivore stood upright on its hind legs to reach the leaves of trees.
Geological period marked by the breaking apart of the great protocontinent, the formation of today’s continents and the appearance of mammals.
Carnivorous amphibious dinosaur fossil with short finlike limbs adapted to move on land and in the water.
Two-legged carnivorous dinosaur, extremely agile and fleet of foot, with powerful claws.
About the size of a mouse, one of the first mammals to appear on Earth was a mainly nocturnal insectivore.