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anatomy of a birdclick to hear

anatomy of a bird esophagus gizzard lung kidney ureter pancreas small intestine cloaca cecum rectum duodenum liver proventriculus crop heart trachea buccal cavity

esophagus click to hear

Canal in the anterior part of the digestive tract; it carries food to the crop.

gizzard click to hear

Muscular pouch behind the proventriculus in which food is ground with the help of stones swallowed by the bird before being digested.

lung click to hear

Respiratory organ made up of an extensible tissue and forming a sac; air from the buccal cavity flows into it.

kidney click to hear

Organ secreting urine; it eliminates toxic substances from the body.

ureter click to hear

Long canal originating in the kidney and carrying urine to the cloaca.

pancreas click to hear

Digestive gland connected to the duodenum and producing digestive enzymes and hormones.

small intestine click to hear

Long narrow portion of the digestive tract behind the duodenum where part of digestion and food absorption takes place.

cloaca click to hear

Orifice common to the intestine and the genital and urinary tracts; it is located at the terminal end of the digestive tract.

cecum click to hear

Lateral canal located in the anterior portion of the intestine where especially a part of digestion and fermentation take place.

rectum click to hear

Terminal end of the intestine before the cloaca.

duodenum click to hear

Anterior portion of the small intestine into which secretions from the liver and pancreas empty.

liver click to hear

Gland secreting mostly a substance (bile) that contributes to digestion.

proventriculus click to hear

Portion of the digestive tract opening out into the gizzard and secreting substances that help digestion.

crop click to hear

Large bulge at the back of the esophagus; it can dilate to receive food.

heart click to hear

Muscular organ helping blood to circulate.

trachea click to hear

Muscular cartilaginous canal carrying air from the buccal cavity to the lungs.

buccal cavity click to hear

Anterior portion of the digestive tract containing the tongue and the salivary glands.