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arch bridgeclick to hear

Bridge whose deck is supported by suspenders attached to an arch, which exerts diagonal thrust against the lateral supports.
arch bridge trussed arch thrust lower chord deck abutment pier column portal frame upper chord arch

trussed arch click to hear

Arched girder consisting of two chords joined by a triangulated network of struts.

thrust click to hear

Point at which the arch is supported by the abutment.

lower chord click to hear

Lower lengthwise steel girder forming the metal arch.

deck click to hear

Set of components making up the structure that carries the bridge’s traffic lanes.

abutment click to hear

Base of the pier; it supports the arch’s weight and thrust.

pier click to hear

Solid concrete construction acting as counterweight to the thrust of the arch against the abutment.

column click to hear

Sturdy component forming a vertical support.

portal frame click to hear

Part of the deck’s frame over firm ground, lying on columns.

upper chord click to hear

Upper lengthwise steel girder forming the metal arch.

arch click to hear

Metal bow-shaped structure supporting the deck, whose load it transfers to the abutments.