Intertwining of two ropes or of one rope back on itself; they are used to tie two ropes together or one rope to an object.
bowline on a bight 
Knot with the same function as the bowline but with two ropes to make the loop; one forms the seat and the other goes around the waist.
Knot used to create a loop at the end of a rope that cannot slip and in which a person can sit to be raised or lowered.
common whipping 
Winding a cord around a rope end to prevent its strands from unraveling.
clove hitch 
Knot used to join a rope to a stationary object or to another rope.
fisherman’s knot 
Knot used to tie together two ropes of equal diameter or two ends of fishing line.
heaving line knot 
Knot used to add weight to the end of a rope so it can be thrown.
cow hitch 
Knot used to join a rope to a ring, mast, yard, etc.
Knot used to temporarily shorten a rope.
double sheet bend 
Knot with the same function as the sheet bend but the second loop makes the knot stronger and more secure.
sheet bend 
Knot used to join together two ropes of different diameters.
granny knot 
Knot used to tie two ropes together; it is used only when they will need to be untied easily.
overhand knot 
Basic all-purpose knot tied by simply looping the rope back on itself.
running bowline 
Knot pulled tight around an object to hold it in place.
square knot 
Knot used to join two ropes of equal diameter firmly together.