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general viewclick to hear

general view doorknob rose latch bolt faceplate escutcheon dead bolt lock

doorknob click to hear

Knob in the form of a lever used only for latch bolt locks.

rose click to hear

Decorative plaque with an opening in the center allowing the doorknob to turn.

latch bolt click to hear

Part whose beveled end is activated by a doorknob; it catches automatically in a strike plate when the door is closed.

faceplate click to hear

Thin plate fastened to the edge of the door with an opening through which the bolt passes.

escutcheon click to hear

Thin plate fastened to the door with openings for the lock’s rose and ring.

dead bolt click to hear

Part whose end is inserted into a strike plate to lock the door when activated by a key.

lock click to hear

Device mounted on the door allowing it to lock by using a key.