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intervalsclick to hear

Difference in pitch between two successive notes (melodic interval) or simultaneous notes (harmonic interval).
intervals octave sixth fourth second seventh fifth third unison

octave click to hear

Interval of eight tones (e.g., from C to C).

sixth click to hear

Interval of six tones (e.g., from C to A).

fourth click to hear

Interval of four tones (e.g., from C to F).

second click to hear

Interval of two tones (e.g., from C to D).

seventh click to hear

Interval of seven tones (e.g., from C to B).

fifth click to hear

Interval of five tones (e.g., from C to G).

third click to hear

Interval of three tones (e.g., from C to E).

unison click to hear

Notes of the same pitch, or one or more octaves apart, produced simultaneously by several voices or instruments.